Bazen behin gabonetako gabon-gaua eta arratsalde horretan Tuteran, Olentzeroaren eta Mari Domingiren desfilea zegoen. Hego-haizea jotzen zuen eta kalean ez zuen hotzik egiten.
Urtero bezala, dantzariak, gabon-kantak, astoa eta gurdia, ardiak, txalapartaren hotsak eta txaranga egon ziren . Giro aparta zegoen.
Olagarro taldeak desfilera joan nahi zuen eta arratsaldeko 18:30ean, plaza Berrian geratu ziren. Lehenengo urtea zen gurasorik gabe joaten zirela. Dagoeneko 12 urte zituzten eta oso pozik eta, aldi berean, urdurik zeuden.
Plazan zeudenean, bozgoragailuak falta zirela ohartu ziren. Arazo larria zen, ezin izango zutelako musika jarri eta Olentzeroaren eta Mari Domingiren hitzak entzun.
– Zerbait egin behar dugu- esan zuen horietako batek.
– Bai, ideia bat izan dut, sakabanatu gaitezke bilatzeko- gehitu zuen beste batek.
Esan eta egin, hiru taldetan banatu ziren eta leku desberdinetara abiatu ziren korrika. Talde batek, Keiles pasalekuan pista bat aurkitu zuen, kable bat erdi izkutatuta zegoen zuhaixka baten ondoan.
Lagun guztiak bildu ziren eta izkutatu ziren lapurrak noiz agertuko zirenen zain. Handik gutxira, kablearen bila etorri ziren eta haurrak indarrez oihuka hasi ziren. Hortik zenbiltzan udaltzaingoak korrika etorri ziren eta lapurrak atxilotu zituzten.
Lapurrak kartxelara eraman zituzten eta bozgoragailuak eskuratu zituzten.
Ziztu bizian, plazara eraman zituzten eta Olagarroei esker, desfilea egin ahal izan zen.
Izugarri desfile polita izan zen eta haurrak oso harro sentitu ziren. Gainera, gauean opariak jaso behar zituzten. Hau poza!!!
Sarah’s case
This story starts with Sarah Foreman, who disappeared the 31ST of October of 1978 when she was 4 years old. She was with her parents the night of Halloween, when she saw a clown and went with him. After that night, nobody found Sarah. 9 years later, the summer of 1987, our main characters got out of the school. Billy Jacobs was a 13 years old guy. He was the leader of the team, a strong tall boy who had black and curly hair and blue eyes, his best friend was Jimmy and he was in love with Emma. She had brown and straight hair and green eyes. She tooks caution for everything and she didn’t like when her friends were in problems. Her best friend was Julia and she was in love with Billy. On the other hand, Jimmy Andrews was a 13 years old boy. He was the follower of Billy and he was always in his shadow, he always said “yes” to everything that Billy said. Julia Roberts was a 13 years old girl. She was a Jealous person, because she always wanted to be the main character. She was always jealous of Emma but she loved her too. She was not tall, neither short, she had blonde and curly hair and brown eyes. Her best friend was Emma and she was in love with Jimmy.
Our four friends started the summer by going to the mountain cave. They were telling spooky stories when they saw Billy silent and they asked him why. Billy said that he was listening to voices that were not human, those voices were saying the name of “Sarah”. Billy started saying that he was investigating and he founded one old newspaper of the 2ND of November of 1978. He said that the newspaper spoke about one girl that disappeared the night of Halloween, named Sarah Foreman. She disappeared in Jackson street at 21:27 p.m. “And you want us to solve that case?” asked Emma. “Yes, I really think that is her, and if we don’t solve the case the voices wouldn’t stop. Are you with me?” asked Billy.
The kids could do anything for Billy, so they said yes. They decided to separate, Jmmy and Julia were going to Jackson street to search and Emma and Billy went to ask Inspector Campbell about the case. They knocked on the door of Mr. Campbell’s office and they heard “come in”, so they got in. While they were explaining everything to Mr. Campbell’s faces changed completely, especially when he heard they wanted to solve the case. “No! That case is in history! If we weren’t able to solve that case you would be less!” exclaimed Mr. Campbell mad.
The kids tried to convince the Inspector but it was impossible, however, the door was slightly opened and they heard the conversation. “Dude! We are in trouble. (…) Did you remember Sarah Foreman’s case? (…) Yeah, that girl that disappeared the night of Halloween of 1978. (…) Some kids want to solve that case, and they come to me to ask about it (…) Yeah, but I’m talking seriously, if we don’t stop those kids, they will discover (…) I swear to you, I’m going to stop those kids (…) Okay, bye.” said Campbell in the call. Billy and Emma were freaking out. The inspector was in trouble if the kids solved that case? What secret was he talking about? They needed to tell everything to the rest.
On the other side, Jimmy and Julia were searching in Jackson street. They were searching just in the place where Sarah disappeared when Jimmy saw a very old little paper with the 898-563 numbers on it so he kept it believing it would be important. Suddenly, they saw Mr. Smith, the town Sheriff, always helped the kids when they needed it. He was 47 years old, he was tall, he had a big mustache and he was always wearing his sunglasses. They explained everything to him, and he told them that there had been security cameras in that street since 1975, and maybe the cameras recorded the disappearance. All the kids told everything to each other and they immediately knew what to do; go to the local government to see those videos.
It wasn’t difficult at all to enter, the window was wide open and computers dind´t have any password, so they easily found Sarah´s video. An innocent 4 years old little girl who didn’t know anything and went with the clown. But something was wrong, if there were cameras in that street and the inspector knew that, why didn’t he see the video of the cameras? And why didn’t they solve that case if it was so easy? Maybe, they were hiding something bigger than that. Billy started analyzing the video meticulously and saw the inspector and the town mayor signing some papers, and keeping them in one strongbox. “Wait! I’ve seen that strongbox before” said Julia “Yes! That is in the mayor’s office!” exclaimed. They went to the office, entered the codes Jimmy found in Jackson Street.
Emma started looking around the strongbox, there were papers proving the scam that Campbell and Mr. Wheeler (The mayor) were doing to the town people. Everything coincided now, they solved the case. Finally, The Sheriff arrested the mayor for stealing and he became the new mayor. “And they lived so happily for the rest of their lives,” said one woman’s voice, finishing the story. “Wow! What a thrilling story mom! – answered Sarah Foreman.
Marta Gil Salcedo 2º ESO