Inicio Tudela Zonbien misterioa

Zonbien misterioa

Cuentos de Navidad de Argia Ikastola

-- Publicidad --

Gau beltza da Argia Ikastolan eta ikasle guztiak lo egitera geratuko dira. Lehen Hezkuntzako 2.mailako ikasleak Tximeletak dira, bost mutil eta zazpi neskez osatutako talde oso jatorra eta oso lagun onak.

Kiroldegian mozorro festa bat egiten ari ziren eta argiak itzali ziren. Denak beldurtu ziren eta bat-batean zonbi bat agertu zen pistaren erdian. Korrika batean beraien gelara joan ziren izkutatzera eta bertan geratu ziren.

Gelan zeudela, leihora hurbildu ziren gertatu zena ikusteko eta denak zonbi bihurtu zirela konturatu ziren. Orduan zonbi batek leihotik begira ari zirela ikusi zuen eta beste zonbi guztak abisatu zituen.

Leire eta Irati sorginez mozorrotuta zeuden eta ideia bat eduki zuten:
— Hitz magiko bat asmatu behar dugu!
— Zertarako? — galdetu zuen Luca Drakulak.
— Ate bat irekitzeko eta guk hemendik ihes egiteko — esan zuten bi sorginek
— Oso ongi, ideia bikaina! Eta zein da hitz magikoa? — galdetu zuen Ane
— Pipitaki-papataki! — oihukatu zuen Libe Banpiroak.
Hitz magikoak esan eta berehala, ate magiko bat ireki zen gelako lurrean. Atera salto egin zuten eta txirrista luze batean erori ziren. Txirristaren bukaeran gaztelu bat zegoen hutsik, oso beldurgarria eta iluna zen. Edabe magiko bat aurkitu behar zuten Argia Ikastolako ikasleei laguntzeko eta laborategi bat aurkitu zuten.
— Hara, zonbiak sendatzeko balio duela jartzen du! — esan zuen Manu
Otso-gizonak poteko etiketari begira.
— Baina potea oso txikia da! — esan zuen Irati Aztiak harrituta.
— Ideia bat dut, Ikastola ondoan putzu bat dago, Lizar izena du eta horra
botako dugu edabea! — esan zuen Eider Deabruak.
— Zertarako botako dugu putzura? — galdetu zuen Inti Saguzaharrak.
— Zonbiak putzura eramateko eta uretara erortzen direnean, edabea
edateko! — ohiukatu zuen Irati Armiarmak.
— Ondo da, batzuk frontoira joan eta zonbiak ekarri putzura! — agindu zuen
Aimar Mamu Mutanteak.
— Baina nola ekarriko ditugu gure atzetik? — galdetu zuen Aribe Pailazoak.
— Ni zonbia naiz eta niri jarraituko didate! —esan zuen Beñat Zonbiak.
Zonbi guztiak Beñaten atzetik joan ziren eta banan-banan putzura erori ziren. Uretan zegoen edabe magikoa edan zuten eta orduan zonbi denak ikasle bihurtu ziren. Tximeletak lagunduta ikasle guztiak mozorroen festara bueltatu ziren. Beraien bizitzako festa dibertigarri eta beldurgarriena izan zen. GAU BELTZ PAREGABEA IZAN DEZAZUELA!



Once upon a time there were two castles in a magical forest, one was for the good princesses and the other for the bad princesses. Rapunzel, Ariel and Snow White lived in the castle of the good princesses. A large, elegant, glass and marble castle. On the other hand, in the dark cold castle, with spider webs lived Cassandra, Ursula and Grimhilde. The good princesses were brave and beautiful and the bad princesses were selfish and crazy. These two castles were facing each other and also their princesses: Rapunzel-Casandra; Ariel-Ursula and Snow White-Queen Grimhilde.

However, the princesses did not live alone in the forest, there also lived a witch. Like every day, the witch was doing experiments. Suddenly, she created a spell that changed the roles of the people who live in the forest, that is, the good guys become bad guys and vice versa. That is, Ariel, Snow White and Rapunzel were bad and vice versa.
All the forest people were chatting.

“Why are we in these dresses?” said Snow White.
“I don’t know?” Rapunzel replied.
“But they are pathetic”- said Ariel.
Meanwhile, in the other castle…
“Why is the castle black?” asked Ursula.
“It’s very scary” Cassandra continued .
“And it has many cobwebs” responded Queen Grimhilde.
People were puzzled and came out to see what was happening and the people from the two castles gathered.
“What are you doing here?” Rapunzel said.
“Hello, I’m Ursula, this is Cassandra and this is Queen Grimhilde. I’m glad to meet you.”
“Not me” Ariel replied.
“This forest is ours” answered Snow White.
“We can share it” Cassandra suggested.
At that moment, Rapulzel took her long hair and twisted on a bun because that was the way she used to focus. She got the answer for the problem…
“We are sick and tired of sharing a castle. The forest will simply rewrite this part for one of us” said Rapunzel angrily.
“And what can we do?” Queen Grimhilde.
“A fight, yes let´s do a fight. So, whoever wins stays in the forest” said Snow White firmly.
“But, why fight? We can talk and resolve it easily without hurting nobody” answered worried Ursula.
“No, if you guys don’t fight, the forest will be ours” stated Ariel.
“Okay, but when?” Cassandra.
“Let’s meet in a week to prepare everything” Rapunzel.
“Ok, see you in a week then” responded Queen Grimhilde.
All the good and bad princesses from the two castles were preparing that week and they were preparing for a fight. They like military tests. They went to the middle of the forest.
“Hello” started saying Cassandra.
“The rules are the following: the first to steal the other group’s flag wins”- said Ariel.
“Good luck” Queen Grimhilde.
“We don’t need it,” Snow White replied.
“One, two, let’s go!”

They began to fight. They were fighting for a long time but suddenly Ariel pierced Ursula’s chest with her sword and she started running to take the flag. Queen Grimhilde and Cassandra went and stopped Ariel and started fighting. Then, Cassandra gave Rapunzel her arm so they were back in the middle again. Ariel, Snow White, Cassandra and Queen Grimhilde started running, Ariel and Snow White took the other group’s flag and fell back. They were so tired.

Suddenly, a wave crossed the forest. It was emerald green and everybody was dazzled and blind with the light. After what happened, the inhabitants of the forest realized that they had acted against their own way of being. However, the forest was no longer the same.

They had the opportunity to understand others better. Therefore, they decided to build a bridge between the two castles to be connected and together. They realize after living in the other’s skin that it is not so simple and that you have to have understanding in others. Neither the bad ones are so bad nor the good ones are so good, that’s why they decided to have a good coexistence and be neither good nor bad, but a bit of everything..

Ane Elosegui. DBH2 Sundent Argia Ikastola